Welcome to Alpha Ecology’s website where you will find a comprehensive range of services for your commercial or research project needs. Alpha Ecology Ltd are expert ecological consultants based in Lanarkshire, Scotland and operate throughout the UK and Europe. Whether you need a specific Badgers Survey, Bat Survey or Birds, or a broad environmental assessment such as BREEAM, a Scoping/Feasibility Study or Phase I Habitat Assessment, an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), or Appropriate Assessment (AA) for instance.
Alpha can complete surveys for European Protected Species (EPS) such as Otter, all Bats and Dormouse amongst others, and can compile EPS Licence applications on your behalf. We can work with your architect or engineer to design a range of enhancement, mitigating and compensatory measures and provide a full on-site supervisory and briefing service to suit your project and timescale.
Alpha Ecology offers
If you need advice and guidance on any issue please call or leave a message using the "Inquiry" button on the right of this page.
Alpha Ecology Ltd were commissioned by Sustrans
– the UK’s largest sustainable transport charity – to undertake large-scale
Badger Surveys along a disused railway alignment in the Borders region of
Scotland, and also Otter Surveys along the River Tweed. We used our extensive
experience of these elusive mammals to complete the full assessment. The
River Tweed is a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) site for Otter, one
of a network of sites across Europe, helping to conserve this species across
its natural range. The detailed findings of our studies will contribute
to the Planning Application for a combined cycle and walking pathway, and
demonstrate how the principal of sustainable development is fully supported
in the proposal.
Alpha Ecology Ltd have recently been appointed consultant ecologists by Norwest Holst Ltd for the East Barnet School regeneration scheme in Hertfordshire, including site surveys for Nesting Birds & Bats, and full BREEAM assessments to ensure environmental sustainability and ecological integrity.
As part of the ongoing upgrade and maintenance work on
road infrastructure undertaken by West Lothian Council, assessments are
currently being completed by Alpha Ecology Ltd on large and small stone
bridges for protected species. Bridges are often used by bat species if
the structure has entrance cracks to any cavities within, which act as cool
roosting conditions. Older rubble-filled bridges can be prone to loss of
internal substrate due to drainage water washing finer material out, producing
suitable cavities. Bridges also act as foci for Otter, whose prints may
be found in mud underneath the bridge itself.
We are currently provided consistent high quality services to housing developers, in both the public and private sectors, as part of Planning requirements and conditions, and to provide best practice for nature conservation and sustainability. Alpha Ecology Ltd are currently involved in several BREEAM assessments across the Central Belt of Scotland, including Edinburgh, as part of urban regeneration schemes and affordable housing projects.
Applecross Construction Ltd of Edinburgh are preparing to develop a new housing scheme in the Lothians, and to help with Planning requirements Alpha Ecology Ltd have completed Badger surveys on the site and in mature woodland nearby. Badgers are resident in the woodland and will be an aspect of the local wildlife for the new local residents to enjoy. We have prepared outline measures to protect this species whilst enabling the development to proceed as planned.
Protected Species are a specialism of Alpha Ecology and we have been asked to complete comprehensive assessments for a number of private developments in both urban and rural settings in the Glasgow area, in North Lanarkshire, around the Scottish Borders and in North Yorkshire. Alpha Ecology consultant ecologists are providing significant experience of Bat Surveys, Badger Surveys and Breeding Bird Assessments to assist with gaining Planning Permission for a range of proposals including steading and barn conversions and a Public House redevelopment. As many such projects encounter Protected Species issues at a late stage, our clients are often pleased that we have the resources to begin surveying soon after commission.
Alpha Ecology Ltd are the ecological consultants for a
range of rail infrastructure projects in Scotland carried out by this major
contracting company. The requirement of our services is driven by changes
in legislation and policy relating to protected species and habitats in
the UK, and the high standards demanded of a modern rail network. We provide
rail safety trained staff experienced in rail network operations and methods,
allowing safety to come first during all surveys. Alpha Ecology Ltd have
experience of surveying rail network land and associated structures for
protected species such as Badger, bat species, Otter & Water Vole, and protected
flora and habitats.
Alpha Ecology Ltd
7 Fraser Terrace
ML12 6UN
01659 74324
07525 047818