We are in the process of constructing informative personal biographies of our team so please come back and reacquaint yourself with our team members
Jon has devoted the last twenty-three years to conservation
and sustainable development in the public and private sectors projects in
the UK, mainland Europe and Africa. Gaining his Honours degree in Environmental
Management from the University of Durham, he became involved in projects
to secure Integrated
Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Greece and Madagascar, before completing
a Masters degree in Aquatic Resource Management at King’s College London.
Jon is a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
(CIEEM). His role within Alpha Ecology Ltd
is Director and Principal Ecologist, calling upon extensive knowledge of
Badger, bats, Otter and most British mammals and birds, planning, policy
and legislation.
After being employed for six years as a commercial consultant ecologist including with Babtie Engineering and Conservation Consultancy Ltd, Jon established Alpha Ecology Ltd in Scotland, to provide sound scientific advice on Protected Species and habitats on the UK and mainland Europe. Working on Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA), submissions for Appropriate Assessments (AA) and a diverse range of development proposals such as new highways, pipelines, windfarms, property development and brownfield restoration amongst others. WIth significant experience of large-scale projects, his approach to biodiversity and conservation is landscape based, considering the many factors of habitat & ecological functionality: energetics, climate change, gene flow, population dynamics and fecundity.
Licenced to work with bats in Scotland, England and Wales, his work with bat species in the UK has included local Bat Groups & education, bat research projects across England and Scotland, Bat Warden for Natural England, National Bat Monitoring Programme (NBMP) transect studies for the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT). His work on bat species has spanned 18 years and involved nearly all species of the bats found in the UK, including the rare Greater and Lesser Horseshoe bats, Bechstein's and Barbastelle bats. Fully conversent in survey and assessment methods, mitigation and development licencing for bats, Jon has worked on projects in the Highlands, Lothians, Lanarkshire and the Borders, and in southern England and Wales.
Jon is a keen ornithologist of over two decades experience
in the UK, Finland, Portugal, France, Madagascar, North America and the
Middle East. Licenced to work with Schedule I species Barn Owl in Scotland
and England, he has conducted WeBS based surveys, Common Bird Census, Wintering
Birds and Vantage Point Counts, including for proposals within or near European
Designated Sites like Special Protection Areas (SPA’s), for mining and minerals,
bridges, highways and other infrastructure.